Monday, February 16, 2009

Sabah Chess 2009

Michael Kimin Guntili re-elected as SCA President

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Chess Association (SCA) incumbent President Michael Kimin Guntili was re-elected as its President for 2009/2010 term during its annual general meeting held on Jan 18 at a hotel here.

The post of Deputy President was won by Muammar Julkarnain, a practising lawyer and son of former state chess player, Zulkifli Zulkarnain. Former Deputy President, Frank Leong who is also a practising lawyer did not seek re-relection due to personal commitment.

State No 1 chess player David Chin retained his position as Vice President whereas the second slot of Vice President won by former veteran state player, Donald Peter who has just returned to serve the Association after a lapse of 15 years. Former VP Sairin Jamal did not see re-relection.

The new Hon Secretary is Chi Yin Phin replacing Libur Imui who did not seek re-election whereas the incumbent Hon Treasurer retained his post unopposed.
The five newly elected supreme council members are Abdul Aziz Julkarnain, Daulip Lakkui, Awang Yusuf bin Awang Sabli, Rosnani bte Mendeli and Libur Imui.

The newly elected President, Michael Kimin Guntili affirmed commitment of the Association to organise the National Inter-State Chess tournament this year which is supposed to have been held last year but was postponed indefinitely due to ROS refusal to grant permit to publish a souvenir programme until the AGM was held.

picked on New Sabah Times dated 22nd Jan 09

'hopefully Sabah Chess will be more success in 2009'

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